March 9, 2020

Kansas City’s Various Blonde Revitalize the Dance Floor on “Black Light”

Our featured artist Various Blonde are back at it again with their newest dark and dancey single. Various Blonde carry the innate ability to take the mundane of everyday life and turn it upside down on its head. Their 2020 EP 3s 1 succeeded in capturing the frenetic energy of a big-city nightclub with omnipresent guitar arpeggios and electro-funk bass-lines. Songs such as “Darkest Night” and “Big City Girl” incessantly swallows the listener whole as a dance party morphs into some kind of current-riddled malaise. Life can change as fast as strobe lights-one moment you’re wallowing within the currents of a daily routine, the next; you’re questioning love and hate’s masquerading simplicity.

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