High Praise: Drop Diver’s “Key To Your Heart” is the template for young rock band swagger
“Key To Your Heart” is a throwback to Vines style big dick energy rock n roll without the bullshit
Drop Diver is probably my favorite young rock band out there right now. I was first turned onto their music in late 2019 when I found their video for “Key To Your Heart,” a throwback to Vines-style big-dick energy rock n roll without the bullshit. What struck me right away was Garrison Lemmond’s voice, very take charge and yelping, almost over the top, but absolutely controlled and smooth at the same time. The hook is one of those perfect “I swear I’ve heard this before” melodies but with its own unique delivery.
As far as the video goes: the idea of doing a canned “studio” video for this track is cool, just let the band play and show off their stage presence with good camera work. And Drop Diver have obvious stage presence, young but scrappy rather than awkward, and Lemmond has the total charisma of a lifer who doesn’t know it yet (still in his early 20’s) who is going to just grow into being an insane performer has he matures and hones his craft.
And there’s a great guitar solo during the well-deserved instrumental section; it has an amateur-ish feel but in more of a “Meg White is a great drummer” way rather than a “high school battle of the bands show off” way.
Overall, I listen to a lot of bands week in and week out… It’s very rare to find a song that holds up over repeated listens like “Key To Your Heart.” Truly, this track has serious swag and the band has staying power. They were playing 100 shows a year (!!) in their region alone before COVID, so keep an eye out folks for whatever they do next.